History of IBM

A timeline that shows IBM History.


    CTR founded in New York

  • The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company (CTR) is formed from the merger of four companies: the Computing Scale Company of America, the Tabulating Machine Company, the International Time Recording Company, and the Bundy Manufacturing Company.


    CTR renamed to IBM

  • The new name reflects the company's focus on business machines and its growing international presence.


    IBM invents card-sorting machine

  • This machine uses punched cards to sort and tabulate data, making it faster and more accurate than manual methods. It becomes a cornerstone of IBM's early success.


    IBM creates first electric computer

  • The IBM 601 is not a commercial success, but it establishes IBM's presence in the emerging field of electronic computing. It is used for scientific research and military calculations.


    IBM selected to build Harvard Mark I computer

  • The Mark I is one of the first programmable computers and is used for scientific research and military calculations during World War II. IBM's involvement in the project is a major milestone for the company.


    IBM releases first commercially successful electronic computer

  • The IBM 701 is used for scientific and business calculations and establishes IBM as a major player in the computer industry. It is the first of many successful IBM mainframe computers.


    IBM invents first hard disk drive

  • The IBM 305 RAMAC uses a rotating magnetic disk to store data and is the first device to offer random access to large amounts of data. It is a major breakthrough in computer storage technology.


    IBM introduces first computer with integrated circuit

  • The IBM 7030 Stretch is designed for scientific and engineering calculations and is the fastest computer of its time. Its use of integrated circuits is a major milestone in the history of computing.


    IBM introduces System/360

  • The System/360 is a family of mainframe computers that can run the same software and peripherals. It is a major innovation in the computer industry and cements IBM's dominance in the market.


    IBM engineer invents floppy disk

  • Dr. Alan Shugart develops the first floppy disk drive, which uses a flexible magnetic disk to store data. The floppy disk becomes a popular storage medium for personal computers and other devices.


    IBM introduces first personal computer

  • The IBM PC is a standard-setting computer that popularizes the use of personal computers in homes and businesses. It is an important milestone in the history of computing and the beginning of the PC era.


    IBM releases first smartphone

  • The IBM Simon is a handheld device that combines a cellular phone, personal digital assistant, and fax machine. It is a groundbreaking device that paves the way for modern smartphones.


    IBM sells PC business to Lenovo

  • IBM exits the PC business after years of declining profits and sells its personal computer division to Chinese computer manufacturer Lenovo. The deal marks the end of an era for IBM.


    IBM's Watson wins Jeopardy! competition

  • IBM's Watson computer system competes on the popular game show Jeopardy! against two of the show's greatest champions and emerges victorious. It is a landmark achievement in the field of artificial intelligence.


    IBM announces spin-off of managed infrastructure services unit

  • IBM announces plans to spin off its managed infrastructure services unit into a separate public company. The move is part of IBM's strategy to focus on high-growth areas such as cloud computing and artificial intelligence.